The Wellness Assessment
Optum utilizes a one-page Wellness Assessment (WA) which contains items that measure behavioral health symptom severity, functional impairment, and self-efficacy. Items are included to screen for substance abuse risk and medical co-morbidity.
The one-page Wellness Assessment, completed at more than a single point in treatment, offers more immediate feedback on changes in health status and functioning that may inform further treatment planning, including level of care changes or coordination with medical professionals.
The Wellness Assessment Process
The first step is for the member to complete the Wellness Assessment (WA) on or before their initial session with the provider. The Wellness Assessment can be obtained by the provider via the clinical forms area of provider express. A member can also receive a blank Wellness Assessment by calling the number on the back of their card and requesting a Wellness Assessment Education Packet.
A second Wellness Assessment should be completed and submitted between the third and fifth sessions. Finally, at 4 months, a final member follow up Wellness Assessment will be mail to the member with a stamped, pre-addressed envelope. Providers are encouraged to utilize Wellness Assessments in conjunction with the Wellness Assessment Dashboard at other points in treatment to monitor risk and progress.
The provider can then fax the completed Wellness Assessment to: (800)985-6894
Or mail to:
Attn: Wellness Assessments
PO Box 30780
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0780
Process Overview

The Wellness Assessment Dashboard
The Wellness Assessment Dashboard is a powerful tool created in response to clinicians who want more feedback on their use of Wellness Assessments. The Wellness Assessment Dashboard allows clinicians to monitor patients’ progress in treatment and the clinician’s clinical effectiveness. Clinicians may then view all information in a secure environment which is accessible only by using your One Healthcare ID login credentials. Once logged in, click on the Provider Reports tab under the More to view your Wellness Assessment reports.

Summarized data is updated nightly and is available for all members for whom you have submitted a Wellness Assessment in the past 24 months. You can also review the status and progress of individual members and any notifications generated about them.
On the Member tab, providers are able to access Progress Reports. These allow providers to track member's scores across Wellness Assessments. Providers are encouraged to submit additional Wellness Assessments to track member's progress in greater detail over time.